Loving Difficult People

John 13:35, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”. Love – what is love? Christ calls us to love…

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Sharing the Gospel with Boldness

As a little boy, I was a quiet kid that stayed to himself and observed situations from a distance. I’d often have much to say, but lacked the desire to…

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A Father’s Love

On December 22, 2024 I was able to share an amazing day with Choice. I was able to be a part of both my children, Lily and Logan being baptized.…

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Pray, Give, Go, Communicate

Practical Ways to Support Missions: Pray, Give, Go, Communicate Missions work is at the heart of the gospel, fulfilling Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations. In 2 Corinthians…

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There is a holiday that some people celebrate, and that holiday is Christmas. Christmas is not just about presents and Santa. It is about remembering when Jesus Christ was born.…

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The Christmas season has officially begun (according to retail stores it began in October, but Idigress). It is a time of year most of us look forward to with anticipation.When…

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Reflect God’s Character

Reflecting God’s Character Everyone goes through trials. Whenever I get my share, my tendency is to assess the situation, sort through the best possible options to resolve it, then “give…

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Feel the Power of Joy

Did you know that the word “joy” appears more than 150 times in the Bible?  Over two dozen scriptures are dedicated to the importance and power that joy has in…

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As Christians, understanding identity can be a complex matter. The world says that we are the sum of our accomplishments, but the Bible tells us that we are children of…

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After spending a week in the hospital while doctors ran tests to see if my chest pain was related to my heart or my lungs, I had lots of time…

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