Visiting a new church can be pretty intimidating! We know because we’ve all been there. We’ve designed this page to help you prepare for your first visit to Choice so you will know what to expect.

On a typical Sunday morning at Choice you’ll find many different kinds of people on different parts of their faith journey. Chances are, there will be many other first-time guests just like you. Whether you’re new to church and faith, or a longtime Jesus-follower, we are here to minister to you and help you find some meaningful friendships.

Watch Our New Visitor Video

Location & Parking


Follow the signs as you enter our facilities. All spaces are convenient, but we have special parking spots reserved for our first time guests. Look for the signs in the lot closest to the building.

Entering the Building

The main entrance is the center double doors, right under the steeple.

 You can enter through the lobby and check-in your nursery – elementary children at the Impact Kids desk on the right.

Once you enter through the main doors to the worship center, you will see a Welcome Desk. You don’t have to stop there unless you have questions or require assistance. But if you stop, and identify yourself as a first-time guest, they’ll have a special gift for you.

Service Times and Location:

Our church campus is located at: 16 Burton Loop, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Service Times:

Sunday, 9:00 AM
Live, in-person 
YouTube (Live Worship Service)

Sunday, 10:30 AM
Live, in-person
YouTube (Recorded 9am Worship Service)

Where do my kids go?

Impact Kids meet each Sunday at 9:00 am & 10:30 am for nursery, pre-school and elementary classes.  You can enter through the main front doors.  Kids’ check-in is on the right side of the lobby.  We take your child’s safety seriously so our children’s team will check in your children for the program. This will take a few minutes, so be sure to get there a few minutes early. 

Impact Kids exist to serve as a launchpad for Gospel conversations at home that overflow into the community and ultimately impact lives for God’s glory for generations to come. The focus of Impact Kids is to Know Truth, Love God, and Live It Out!


What is the dress code like?

Our attendees come in everything from casual to business casual. We’re confident that you’ll fit in no matter how you dress. We’re just excited for you to join us!

Am I Expected to Give?
As our guest, we do not expect any money from you. The offering is a way for the Choice Family to worship God and join the mission of the church through their giving. Offering plates will not be passed during the service. Offering boxes are available on the stage and at the worship center exit. If you’re new, we don’t expect you to give. Our service is a gift to you.
What is a service like?
Our services are approximately 1 hour in length. Our praise team leads us with contemporary worship songs with an occasional contemporary hymn. The message is taught directly from the Bible with the goal of personal transformation. Our desire is to share the love of Christ with those who do not know the good news of the gospel.

Next Steps

If you are interested in learning more about Choice Baptist, please fill out the form below and receive a free gift!