Working with Him!

"Working with Him!" by Pastor Jeff Williams. Pastor Jeff delivers a heartfelt farewell message at Choice Baptist before moving on to his new position at Open Door Church in Louisiana.

Why We Sing

"Why We Sing" by Pastor Jason Redick.  Special guest and long time friend of Pastor Steve, Pastor Jason Redick delivers a powerful message on the power of song.

Growing Pains

"Growing Pains" from Leaving A Legacy by Pastor Tim Wilcox.  Pastor Wilcox continues the series by examining the growing pains experienced by the early church.  How do the same lessons…

Apt To Teach

"Apt To Teach" from Leaving a Legacy, by Pastor Tim Wilcox.

Leaving a Legacy

"Leaving A Legacy" from What Are You Leaving Behind? by Pastor Tim Wilcox, Pastor Ryan Flanders.  Pastor Wilcox formally introduces Pastor Ryan Flanders as the new Development Pastor at Choice…

The Best Made Plans!

"The Best Made Plans!" by Pastor Jeff Williams.   Pastor Jeff delivers his final emotional sermon at Choice Baptist as his family prepares to embark on a new chapter in their…