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Opportunities above Obstacles

June 7th will be the first Sunday we will be joining together again and we absolutely cannot wait! That’s right, Choice Baptist Church, in person, real-time. We will be holding two services, one at 9:00 am and the other at 10:45 am. We have not been together with our Choice Family since March 15th, and we miss you all very much. I want to take a few moments to encourage you to view our opportunities in the midst of a seemingly large obstacle.   

Opportunities Above Obstacles 

Galatians 6:10 says that “as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (NKJV). The key phrase is as we have opportunity. We can either view this season as an obstacle or an opportunity. Depending on which you chose, the reality is, it is an opportunity. Know that seeing this season as an opportunity does not discount any obstacles or losses you may have or currently are experiencing, but it does help put things back into a Kingdom-minded perspective. Take a moment to think about the following questions in regards to this season of COVID-19: 

What is God trying to teach you? What is God planning? How is God going to use this season? Am I viewing this season as an obstacle or an opportunity? What does this new season make possible?

We can be optimistic and lean into our knowledge and assurance of a good and faithful God by looking at this opportunity and committing to do good unto others in the household of faith. Remember that the household of faith is the body of Christ, His people, and not a physical building. For 27 years we have been making transitions in our ministries to better accomplish God’s will! While transitions can often seem like obstacles—a new time, new policies, a new look—the reality is, this provides an opportunity to set a new atmosphere. Pastor mentioned before how the Church is sort of like buying a bicycle from Toys-R-Us; Some Assembly Required. Use this church re-opening as an opportunity to minister to yourself, your family, and your community! 

Another upcoming opportunity for you to be involved in is our summer small group series starting the week of June 21st. Click here to check out and sign up for one of our new Summer Small Groups!  

We hope to see you on June 7th, 9:00 am or 10:45 am and if you’re uncomfortable, unready, unable, or unsure, join us online at 10:45 am! 

Much love, Choice Baptist Church