A Life Purpose Statement

One of my favorite bible verses (that has impacted me more recently) is Colossians 2:2-3, and it says:

“2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Many people often consider what the purpose statement of their life is.  What are we going to be about?  What are we going to accomplish in this life?  How can I make a difference?  When reading through this passage some time ago, I was struck by the deep, yet simple purpose statement of Paul in this verse.  The church he is writing to was struggling with false teachers and false doctrine, and Paul uses this letter to re-center them on the person and work of Christ Jesus.  He highlights the fact that Jesus is supreme and has the fullness of God dwelling within Him in chapter 1.  In the beginning of chapter 2, we see Paul outlining exactly what his goal or his purpose is in writing to them, and for me, this goal seems applicable to our lives as believers in Christ as well.  If you track the verse backwards, we see what the end goal is, followed by how that goal is accomplished.

Paul’s goal or purpose is for others to “know the mystery of God, namely Christ, because in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  This is incredible.  Our goal should be for others to know this mystery of God as well.

How will Paul accomplish this?  Well he wants the believers from this church to “have the full riches of complete understanding…”.  Paul wants complete understanding, not partial but complete.

How will they come to this complete understanding?  He desires that they become encouraged in heart and united in love.  These are two powerful inputs to obtaining a desired output!  Want to practically help others know, and understand the mystery of God?  Encourage them and love them!

So, by us being encouraged and encouraging one another in heart, and by being united in love, we can have the full riches of complete understanding, and by having this understanding, we can know the mystery of God, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge!  How incredible!

This verse has simplified and helped to shape my thoughts on what my “purpose statement” is.  Paul was very clear, but also very simple in outlining exactly why he was writing and what he hoped to accomplish through the text. May God grant us the ability and opportunities to be encouraged in heart and united in love so we can come to a complete understanding and know Christ all the more!

-Garrett E.