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Where are you placing your Hope this Christmas?

Hope is something we probably have mixed feelings about.  Again and again, hope seems to have disappointed us so many times in the past.  Our disappointing experiences with hope are not so much from hope itself failing us, but rather what we have placed our hope in.  Hope by itself has no great qualities, brings no great results or satisfaction.  But what we place our hope in makes all of the difference.  The Bible speaks of things that we should be cautious of placing hope in.  The things in life that we can misplace our hope in are many and various from people, things, ideas and more.  Some things in the Scriptures that we should be careful not to place too much hope inside of include military might (Isaiah 31), our own wisdom (Proverbs 26:12), our own righteousness (Ezekiel  33:13),  and even riches (Proverbs 11:28).  Placing our hope in these various places often leads to disappointment.  In fact Proverbs 25:19 say’s “Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble

Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint.”  Hoping in people that fail us or things that break down and lose their joy will lead to painful experiences.  Thankfully I’ve never had a bad tooth or a foot out of joint but I know those that experienced dislocations and tooth problems experience incredible pain.  The pain of disappointment from putting “confidence” or “hope” in someone or something can even surpass that kind of pain.  I know this pain from first hand experience, both in putting hope in others and from others putting hope in me and all parties coming out disappointed on the other side.  

Thankfully there is somewhere that we can place our hope that will not lead to disappointment, painful experiences or frustration.  Romans 5:5 reminds us that this kind of hope does not disappoint. Romans continues in chapter 15:13 telling us that this hope fills us with joy and peace.  The hope we are speaking of is the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Jesus is the One that we may place our trust, confidence and hope in without reservation.  We will be tempted to place our hope in many things during this advent season but every one of those outside of Christ will disappoint to one degree or another.   Whether it is material gifts, family members and loved ones that we will gather with (or not gather with due to COVID19) or maybe even just a general hope that 2021 will be different.  All of these and many others will lead us on the empty chase to disappointment, stringing us along into thinking the next one will be different.  Hope in Jesus.  Hope in God.  Hope and trust in the only one and the only person who is worthy of our hope and has the power to deliver to those that hope in Him this Christmas season!

Join us back here Friday for our next blog by Pastor Steve!