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Time to Join a Small Group

 Time to Join a Small Group 

When we read the New Testament Scriptures and the life of Jesus, it is amazing what God accomplished through a small group. Jesus lived and worked in a community of a small group.  The call for Jesus, as well as all humans to gather in small groups, is God created and God directed.  God’s presence is in community, and we were created in community and for community!  Jesus changed the world through the forming of His small group of 12, and the various other small groups that surrounded Him.  These small groups were made up of men, women, young and old, Jew and Gentile.  These groups give a clear picture of how God wants us to live and grow.  

Of course, we are not unfamiliar with the concept of groups.  At a very basic level, our family is a group. But we are also familiar with living and operating in groups based around work, hobbies, politics, and so on.  Every group has a purpose. 

We must ask ourselves,

“what is our greatest purpose?” 

Then we must follow that up with, “do we have a group in our life for that?”   I believe in the power of groups. When I wanted to grow my business, I joined a business group in my field of business, and my business grew.  When I wanted to grow in my leadership, I joined a group that helped me learn how to lead.  If we are reflective for a moment, we will probably realize how we have benefited from different groups that we have been in throughout our life. 

It’s as if God created us to learn, grow, function, and thrive in community.  Because He did!  Now, let’s go back to your purpose, your mission.  If your mission and purpose in life is to be a follower of Jesus, how can you expect to do that without a small group community?  God created a community for you to grow in knowledge, grow in relationships and grow in Christ. 

Get plugged into small group life, after all, even Jesus was in a small group!

Ryan Flanders