Real, Raw & Righteous

Small Groups have begun this week for our summer semester.  This is an opportunity to study the Bible, strengthen connections, pray together and find mutual encouragement.  I am excited about this next study!  The Bible tells us that it is not good to be alone, so God created human relationships.  But most of us realize that we can be around others while not finding meaningful connections.  We can be friendly and even talk with others, but it does not necessarily mean that we are actually growing in our relationships.  It is possible to spend time together while not sharing anything personal about ourselves.  People put up walls.  Introverts may use their personality as an excuse.  And I will have to admit that I am a champ at this.  I am pretty good at asking others questions.  I have learned to draw others out while hoping no one asks me any personal questions.  When those times come when someone does ask me a personal question, I try to limit my answer hoping they don’t press any further.

OK, so that is my confession for the week.  How about you?  Do you struggle with sharing?  Do you have plenty of friends with that you can share your struggles?  Or at least share some time together?  We all know we need others in our lives.  We even desire to strengthen those relationships.  But it can be somewhat scary.  And it takes a lot of time.  The time that we don’t think we have.  But it is an incredible investment of our time.


Let me recommend 2 steps for you to take right now.

1.    Join a Small Group

2.    Be open in your Small Group

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Romans 12:9

Notice the first part of this verse.  To love without hypocrisy means to love without a mask.  In Bible times a hypocrite was one who was a play-actor.  They would play different parts while holding up a mask in front of them.  The mask allowed them to portray that they were someone else.  They would not have to share who they actually were.  Paul was writing this admonition to believers.  He was encouraging them to connect with other believers and to live out the important role of being the body of Christ.  Relationships cannot function well if we do not demonstrate love.  And they cannot function without getting rid of our masks.

What does it mean to love without masks?  The best way for me to think about it is to be Real, Raw & Righteous.  God wants us to be real.  He loves us so much that He accepts us just as we are.  And He loves us too much to let us stay where we are.  Be honest with yourself.  Be honest with a few others.  Be Real.  Be Raw.  It is not easy to be open since some of the circumstances of our past and some of the situations that we are currently experiencing, are not very enjoyable.  Honesty hurts.  That’s one reason we stay closed down.  But the only way to find hope is to bring our junk into the light.  Anonymity tends to rob us of victory.  We try to fix things on our own, but that normally does not work…and you and I are probably not the exceptions.  We need others!

Let me close with my final thought.  Be Righteous.  Sometimes people are transparent.  They tell you what they think, no matter how rude or hurtful.  Or they share their sins and just keep on sinning.  God does not want us to just be real.  He wants us to be holy.  We must be transparent with others in order to find help and ask others for prayer.  Let’s be real, raw, and righteous!  Join a Small Group.  Build some relationships.  Find a few people that you can be yourself with.  And then let them speak into your life as you allow the incredible words of Scripture to change you and transform you!