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Discovering Our Purpose

Have you ever sat around, propped your feet up while drinking coffee, tea or
for you athletic types, Gatorade; all the while; thinking what God would have
you do? Have you ever asked Him? Why do you keep me here? What is your
purpose for me in this earthly life? Or do you tell God that you are so busy
with daily life, you just can’t think about what His purpose is in your Christian
life. WAIT! It does not happen that way. Not here in 2024; not in Paul’s time
in 55 AD. There are great and frightening similarities between the churches of
America and Corinth: they contain a great number of cultures and ideologies,
from all over the earth. Both are located in cesspools of moral depravity. Both
have excellent doctrinal theologies. In addition to these Christians describe
the personal situations that come about as seasons of their life.
Whatever our station in life God brings us through the Seasons of our
Christian lives. All of us are in a different season. Maybe you are a single
person and asking God for a Christian mate, or raising young children busy
transporting them, to and fro, or maybe you’ve just become the empty-nesters
and trying to figure the amount of food to buy and how much to make, or
maybe you are retired and have so much time you thought. Whatever the
season you are in, God has called us to be united. “Now I beseech you,
brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same
thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined
together in the same mind and in the same judgment”. 1 Co 1:10 (KJV)
No matter your spiritual gifts, or your purpose in Christ, we are to be united in
Christ to bring glory to our Lord and Savior.
God has given to all of us His Spirit, and individual talents. We are to minister
to others as we are gifted. What is your God given gift? Can you lift your voice
and sing God’s grace to others? Can you hand out a little track at Wal- Mart,
Target, or any of your favorite places to eat? Can you give a track going
through the fast food drive through? Can you visit the sick who are confined in
a home?
While in Seminary I worked in a local church as the church sextant – fancy
name for a janitor. Everyday this little senior lady would walk from her house
which was two doors down from the church. She would take a seat in the

vestibule. As it was a morning ritual: I’d say, “good morning Mrs jones”. she
would say, “I don’t know why the LORD keeps me here”. I’d tell her, “perhaps
you are a great prayer warrior”. She would say, “I start to pray alright but then
I fall asleep”. Sure enough she would fall asleep for about an hour or so, then
get up and walk back home. For Mrs. Jones, this was her purpose for the time
being, to be a prayer warrior.
I remember several years ago when I was supposed to be eating healthy, but I
snuck in some unhealthy food. God exposed me to my visits to McDonalds
drive through. Someone I gave a track there to, contacted our church
thanking me for giving him a salvation track. Yes, I can argue my purpose for
visiting McDonalds was to give out tracks. That was an argument that I lost to
my wife. One thing for sure, our purpose is to be a witness to bring others to
1 Corinthians 3:9, says, For we are laborers together with God. We are to
plant the seeds, by giving the salvation plans, water the plant and God will
give the increase.
by Lou Alfieri