Love. It’s such a special word. When we feel loved we are self-confident, bold and open. Love gives us worth and value. The security that love brings cannot be compared to any other feeling.
Love is not only a feeling. Love is an action. We demonstrate love to those we care about. Whether we are showing kindness, sharing encouraging words or just spending time with those special people in our life, we display our heart through our deeds.
Unconditional love. A wonderful love that is not based on performance. We can’t earn it or buy it and it doesn’t have to be proven. Even when we don’t measure up, we are always valued and accepted because of who we are, right now. We are always loved, no matter what.
So loved. This is love with great depth that goes to great lengths to evidence itself. Love that will sacrifice something of great value in order to express itself with a determined purpose. Are you feeling so loved?
Life is most fulfilling when we are loving and being loved.
Our relationships give us great energy, tremendous joy and a desire to accomplish to our highest potential. There are times, however, when angry words, harsh looks or uncaring actions leave us hurt and lonely. It’s then that we don’t feel very loved. Have you ever experienced unconditional love? Do you sense that you are so loved?
There is someone who loves you just as you are, right now. That someone is God! The Bible says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Jesus died on the cross because God loves you. He sacrificed His Son as evidence of His great love. God loves you no matter what and wants you to live in Heaven with Him someday. He will pour out His unfailing love to you right now, just as you are. Will you receive His love today?
“Dear Jesus,
I understand that You love me no matter what. I believe that You died on the cross because of my sins. I know I have failed You. I am sorry for my actions and ask You to forgive me. I receive You as my Savior and trust You to take me to Heaven when I die. Thank You for saving me today! Amen.”
Now that you understand the greatest love of all, don’t keep it to yourself, spread it around! Tell your friends. Give them this little booklet. Encourage them to read it and pass it on to others. This is a message we all want to hear! Don’t let a day go by without letting someone know…