Practical Ways to Support Missions: Pray, Give, Go, Communicate
Missions work is at the heart of the gospel, fulfilling Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, we find an inspiring example of the Macedonian churches, who, despite their poverty, joyfully and sacrificially supported the work of God. Paul commends their grace-filled generosity, explaining that they gave beyond expectations because they first gave themselves to the Lord.
How can we, like the Macedonians, actively support missions today? Let’s explore four practical ways: Pray, Give, Go, and Communicate.
1. Pray
The foundation of any effective missions work is prayer. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, the Macedonian churches gave themselves to the Lord first, and their generosity flowed from their deep spiritual connection with Him (2 Corinthians 8:5).
Prayer opens doors, provides guidance, and strengthens the hands of missionaries. Here are some practical ways to pray for missions:
- Pray for missionaries by name: Choose a missionary or a specific region and commit to praying for them regularly.
- Pray for open hearts: Ask God to prepare the hearts of those hearing the gospel, whether in remote villages or bustling cities.
- Pray for safety and provision: Many missionaries face physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Your prayers for protection and resources make a difference.
Consider dedicating time each week to pray for a new missionary or focusing on one for an entire month. Keep their needs and victories in your prayers as you intercede on their behalf.
2. Give
The Macedonians gave “beyond their ability,” not out of obligation but out of joy and a desire to share God’s grace (2 Corinthians 8:3). Giving to missions is a tangible way to participate in God’s work around the world.
Here’s how you can give effectively:
- Direct support: Partner with missionaries or mission organizations by providing consistent financial support. Even small, regular donations add up and can significantly impact their work.
- Special projects: Contribute to specific needs, like building a church, hosting an evangelistic event, or providing Bibles in local languages.
- Emergency needs: Respond to urgent calls for help, such as disaster relief or unexpected challenges in the mission field.
Remember, giving is more than financial. You can donate resources, skills, or even your time to help further the mission.
3. Go
Short-term mission trips allow you to step into the mission field and experience God’s work firsthand. I’ve witnessed the transformational power of these trips—both for those who go and those they serve.
Short-term trips create awareness, inspire support, and often lead to long-term commitments to missions. Some participants discover their calling to serve as laborers in the field.
Consider the following ways to go:
- Participate in a short-term mission trip: Whether it’s evangelism, medical support, construction, or youth ministry, there are opportunities for everyone to serve.
- Be flexible: Embrace different cultures, adapt to new environments, and trust God to use you in unexpected ways.
- Start small: If international travel feels overwhelming, consider local missions or regional trips as a starting point.
By going, you become part of the story and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to fulfill the Great Commission.
4. Communicate
Building meaningful relationships with missionaries is one of the most impactful ways to support their work. In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul highlights the fellowship (“koinonia”) between the Macedonians and other believers, showing that deep, supportive relationships are vital in missions.
Here’s how to communicate effectively:
- Stay in touch: Send emails, letters, or messages to missionaries to encourage them and stay updated on their work.
- Ask how you can help: Beyond financial support, missionaries may need specific resources or assistance.
- Share their stories: Be an advocate for their work by sharing updates and testimonies with your church or community.
Your consistent communication reminds missionaries that they are not alone and that their work matters.
Becoming Like the Macedonians
The Macedonian churches are a model of sacrificial giving, joyful participation, and unwavering commitment to God’s mission. They remind us that supporting missions is not limited to those with financial abundance but is accessible to anyone willing to give of themselves.
As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 8:7: “But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”
Will you pray, give, go, and communicate? Take a step today to support missions and be part of God’s redemptive work in the world.
Practical Next Steps:
- Pick a missionary or region to pray for this week.
- Set aside a portion of your budget to support a mission project.
- Sign up for a short-term mission trip or explore opportunities through your church.
- Reach out to a missionary with a message of encouragement.
When we partner together in missions, we reflect God’s grace and bring His love to the least reached. Let’s be faithful in this calling.
Ryan Flanders