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The Holiday’s Have Begun

The holidays have officially begun!  The Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and Elvis singing Blue Christmas.  At our house the Hallmark movies have already started and we are in the middle of decorating our house for Christmas.  So many wonderful memories from my childhood and even more of my four kids celebrating this season.  Whether it was sitting on Santa’s lap, driving around looking at lights, preparing reindeer food for Rudolph or putting ornaments on the tree, Paula and I worked hard to develop family traditions and make our time together special.

One fond memory that I have is those years when we would light the Advent Candles as a family.  Advent simply means coming.  In this season we remember Christ’s coming as a baby that Bethlehem morn.  God became man so He could be our Savior.  Advent also is a reminder that Jesus will return again as the Prince of Peace.  What a wonderful day that will be!  But we should never forget that our Lord is with us right now.  Advent encourages us to invite God into our lives at every moment of our lives.

As Advent begins, ask the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you on a daily basis.  May He grant you wisdom as you determine your schedule, purchase gifts, deal with struggles and worship our King.  My prayer for you is that the holidays are truly Holy Days!

The Choice Family is offering services online and onsite at 9am & 10:30am.  Let us know how we can help.

We encourage you to participate with Advent in your own home.  We will be posting Christmas themes on our blog at

Pastor Tim Wilcox