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Don’t touch the stove, it’s hot!

“Don’t touch the stove, it’s hot!”…have you ever uttered these words or heard something similar before?  Maybe you have been the one attempting to keep someone from a situation you know will be detrimental, or maybe you have been the one receiving the warning to not go somewhere, or not do something.  

Let me ask you a question…how many times in your life have you avoided something in your life through heeding the advice of someone around you?  This has fascinated me for quite some time now and maybe it’s because I have small children of my own and I find myself warning them because I know better, and because I want what is best for them, but will they listen?  Or will they have to learn life’s hard lessons on their own?  Do you listen?  Or time and time again are you learning lessons through your failure to alter your life in accordance with someone who knows better?

Read the words of David in Psalm 18, “As for God, HIs way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”  You see, the LORD, the one who created you, knows best and His desire is for your good.  His way is perfect, flawless and undefiled.  He provides safety or refuge, but don’t miss this part…to those that trust Him.  And while we may claim to know that intellectually, the question is, do we actually believe it, or put another way, do we trust Him, because there is a big difference between the two!

Ask yourself – do you listen to HIs voice?  Do you know His plan and desire for your life?  Ultimately, do you trust that plan?  

This sounds so simple, and it is, but haven’t we made it difficult?

Let me challenge you to make 2024 a year where you devote yourself entirely to being transformed and guided by the word of God.  I can only imagine how He must feel as a loving Father watching us stumble and fall time and time again when He has declared Himself to be a proven refuge and shield, if we would only trust Him!  

You may be asking, ok, but where is a good place to start trusting Him?  Easy.  Be in church this Sunday as we reveal our 2024 church theme!  

Are you tired of doing the same thing every year and expecting a different result?  The world is like a hot stove, many have touched it and many have left burned.  Join us this year at CBC and commit to living life the way it was meant to be lived, guided by the One who gave it.