Recipe for Life

“Making Cookies”
Have you ever made cookies? Not the cut and bake kind, no I mean the flour everywhere, multiple dirty bowls and spoons kind of making cookies. If you were going to make some, what goes into making cookies from scratch? I am not sure, but I think you might need some eggs, flour, chocolate chips, sugar, and milk, but I don’t know how much of each. Without knowing the exact ingredients and how much of each, you decide to toss a bunch into a bowl, mix it together, and bake it for 1 hour at 400 degrees. How do you think the cookies will turn out? Who needs a recipe?
I think there are times when we try to live our Christian lives in a similar way that cookies are made without a recipe. We want the warm, tasty end result, but we don’t want to follow the recipe on how to get there. The end result is eternal life in Heaven with Jesus Christ, and the Bible is clear on how to get there. The Bible also provides a recipe of how to have an abundant, amazing life here on earth.
John 14:15 – “If you love me, keep my commands.” God desires us to read His recipe, follow it through obedience to His wisdom and instruction. The end result will be incredible.