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Teen Transition

Transition – to change, alter, adapt, adjust, transform and metamorphosis


Someone recalled that nobody likes change, not even a baby with a dirty diaper.  I think there is some reality to that!  Change is difficult.  But whether we like it or not, everything in this physical world changes.  The only eternal things are the Word of God and the Souls of Man.  The Bible is eternally settled in Heaven and cannot change.  And every person has an eternal soul that will spend forever either in Heaven or Hell.  Outside of those two, we see most things changing…sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.

Since we cannot escape change, we are better off accepting it instead of fighting it.  I think that has been one of the strengths of our church over the years.  Transitions come that we must accept but we keep our eyes on our Mission of Making Disciples.  Jesus’ last command was to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  In doing this, we have remained united and focused on what really matters.

While we don’t necessarily like change, often it is for our good.  Even when we are resistant, these times can be tremendous seasons of growth and development.  Christianity uses words like conversion for our salvation and transformation for our spiritual maturity.  Though our old man opposes change, the Holy Spirit works within us to make us more like Christ.  Praise the Lord for the changes that He has made in our lives!

Before I take us down a rabbit hole any further (that means getting off track), let me share with you a change that is an incredible blessing.  One year ago, the Fletchers met with the pastors and shared that they felt God leading them towards a new ministry and that they both felt like it was time for them to step down from leading the team.  Pastor Dean and Kristia have been serving our Category 5 Teens for 15 years and have seen hundreds of young people grow from this ministry.  They shared that August, 2023 would be their conclusion.  Over the past year we have been meeting with our teen leaders and praying that God would show us His plan for the next leader.  During one of these meetings, it became very clear to me what should happen.  But instead of sharing my thoughts, I waited on God.  Shortly after that meeting, Eric Rhodes met with Pastor Garrett and shared with him that God had been speaking to him and Trinity.  They both felt that God was leading them to transition into the leadership of Category 5.  This was such a God thing!  I am also so impressed that all the other teen leaders are not only remaining in this ministry, but they are stepping up into new areas to serve teens and their families.

I’m certain that more changes are to come in this ministry, but I think it is wise to allow our team some time to get comfortable with leadership.  The Rhodes are going to do an amazing job of shepherding our teens and ministering to the families of teens.  Thank you for your support as we move ahead.  Choice is here to partner with you in your role of parenting.  We will never try to fill the responsibility that God has given you in the stewardship of your children.  Please let us know how we can serve you and work together to have a Teen Ministry that is accepting and modeling the characteristics that the Bible calls us to live out!